(click 'NEWS' for... news... on spiderman 3)
There's even talk of... wait for it... Mysterio.... oooooooh! Yea I know... sometimes I don't do sarcasm well...Oh yea... there's a teaser trailer for 3 at Comingsoon.net! I must say it didn't impress me that much... to be fair, neither did the 1st teaser for Spiderman (the 1st movie) - which I did like... errr that is to say... I did not like the teaser BUT I did like the movie!
I watched the trailer on apple.com. You know what... I'm not really vying for this installation of Spiderman...somehow, don't have a good feeling about this one. It's just like the same for XMen 3. Started out spectacularly, but ending in mediocrity... But, hey... who knows? It might just be the best one yet.
Birds of a feather...
it's funny you're counting down to the opening of a movie you're not gonna see.
"Come to Malaysia ad campaign"
OY! It's call trepidation... Plus I said the artwork is cool... for the poster AND the counter... Also, I like comics...
For my money... best comic book movie is STILL Blade... Blade II isn't far behind... don’t ANYBODY mention Blade Trinity!
Hey Aindhy... speaking of graphic novels, I gor the official graphic novel adaptation of Superman Returns AND Bryan Singer's official Superman REturns PREQUEL (in 4 parters)... intend to bring it to ya soon...I don't collect comics, but I think this would add nicely to your collection...coming soon to you this August!
Pete I've said this before and I'll say it again - YOU THE MAN!
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